Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme


As part of the Government's ongoing efforts to promote the efficient use and conservation of energy, we propose to introduce a mandatory energy efficiency labelling scheme to achieve the following objectives–

  1. to increase public awareness of the importance of using energy-efficient products;
  2. to provide consumers with more energy-efficient products; and
  3. to provide incentive to product suppliers to market more energy-efficient products.

Public Consultation

A three-month public consultation on the proposed scheme was carried out in 2005.

The consultation document can be downloaded by clicking the following button.

Proposed Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme [PDF format (964KB)]

Legislative Proposal

We are working on a legislative proposal for the introduction of the mandatory energy efficiency labelling scheme, taking into account comments and views received during the public consultation.

(Note: This website contains historical content that is only available as is and will not be updated.)