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Lighting Installation

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  1. The provision of lighting control point (latest edition of the BEC Section 5.5) and automatic lighting control (latest edition of the BEC Section 5.6) are two separate and independent requirements. As such, providing sensor for fulfilling automatic light control in forms of sensors and timer etc. cannot replace lighting control point. Meanwhile, if a space having one or more side window fenestrations, of or adding up to 5m2 or above, each lighting zone should be provided with daylight responsive control under a separate control device in addition to the basic provision (e.g. timer, CCMS, occupancy sensor, etc. ) for automatic lighting control.
    For details, please refer to Section 5.5 - 5.6 of the latest edition of the BEC and Section of the latest edition of the Technical Guidelines for BEC for reference.

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  2. Pursuant to Section of the latest edition of the BEC, spaces which require to be provided with automatic lighting control have been given in Table 5.4. Semi-opened corridor is classified as a corridor. Therefore, provision of automatic lighting control is required. On the other hand, pursuant to Section of the latest edition of the BEC, daylight responsive control is applicable when the space is provided with fenestration on exterior wall or overhead skylight. Since fenestration is not provided for the semi-opened / side opened corridor, therefore Section is not applicable.

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  3. Although selection on which type of automatic lighting control is under the discretion of project proponent or the designer, deploying occupant sensor in washroom/toilet, however, DO NOT fulfill the latest edition of the BEC Clause 5.6 and therefore provision of other automatic lighting control (e.g. automatic time scheduling) to meet the requirement is required.

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  4. In accordance with the latest edition of the TG-BEC, vertical or wall mounted lighting besides the mirror allows an individual standing in front of the mirror become desirably visible. The lighting is therefore regarded as serving functional purpose that shall be included in LPD calculation.
    Localized lighting under sink’s cabinet near floor level should be reviewed on case-by-case basis if it can be regarded as solely for decoration.

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  5. Table 5.4 of the latest edition of the BEC specifies the necessary provision of automatic lighting control at parking space of carpark whilst its detailed design, including type of automatic lighting control (e.g. occupant sensor, CCMS, etc.) and interlocking mechanism shall be under the discretion of designer or registered energy assessor (REA), based on the actual lighting layout and specific design criteria. It is not a must to have an occupant sensor per parking space. Instead, the spacing and coverage of the occupant sensor shall follow the manufacturer’s recommendation.

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  6. Pursuant to Section 2 of the BEEO, the concerned installation is regarded as one of the prescribed building services installations by definition. Underwater lighting is NOT considered for the sole purpose of decoration and such installation DO NOT fulfill the exceptions stated in BEC Clause 5.1.2. In the other words, the underwater lighting shall be governed under the latest edition of the BEC and shall be included in the LPD calculation.

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