Registering as a Recognized Manufacturer for Electrical Product

A recognized manufacturer is a manufacturer recognized by the Director of Electrical& Mechanical Services as qualified to issue certificates of safety compliance for the electrical products manufactured by them. A manufacturer applying for registration as a Recognized Manufacturer should satisfy the following criteria:

  1. The manufacturer's laboratory has obtained accreditation under:
    1. the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS), under the test category of electrical and electronic products; or
    2. an overseas laboratory accreditation scheme which has a mutual recognitionagreement with HOKLAS or with the Hong Kong Accreditation Services (HKAS), under the test category of electrical and electronic products; or
    3. a scheme for assessment of testing laboratories as listed in the current version of the International Laboratory Accreditation Systems of the International Laboratory Accreditation Conference (ILAC), and
  2. The manufacturer is required to have a quality system that conforms to ISO 9002 " Specification for Product and Installation" and a quality assurance certificate issued by a Quality System Registration Body as listed in the current version of the Directory of Quality System Registration Bodies published by the International Organization for Standardization.

Application for registration shall be submitted to the Director of Electrical & Mechanical Services in writing together with supporting documents and the application fee as stipulated in the Regulation. The applicant will be notified of the application result within 17 working days upon receipt of all necessary information. The relevant application form can be obtained from the Electrical & Mechanical Services Department.