Notes On Examination For Registration As A Grade B Electrical Worker
Appendix III
Examination Regulation and Instructions to Candidates
Before the examination
Check carefully the information printed on the Admission Form . Any discrepancy detected should be reported to the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) immediately. Do not write anything on the Admission Form.
Under bad weather conditions, candidates should pay attention to the following:
The announcement of closure of schools due to a tropical cyclone or the issue of the Red Rainstorm Warning does not necessarily imply the postponement of an examination scheduled to be held for that day. However, all examinations will normally be postponed when a Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted, or when a Black Rainstorm Warning is issued. If weather conditions are doubtful, you should listen to the radio or television broadcast for examination schedules right up to the time you leave for the examination centre.
Unless a specific announcement has been made by the HKEAA that the examination has been postponed due to bad weather conditions, the examination will be conducted as originally scheduled. However, you should consider your personal safety first and if you have genuine difficulties in reaching the examination centre, you should contact the HKEAA before the examination begins. Special consideration will be given to individual cases depending on the circumstances.
Check carefully the starting time of the examination. Late candidates will not be given extra time to compensate for the time loss.
Any candidate taking an examination in a wrong centre may receive mark penalties.
You should bring to the examination centre:
Electronic calculators, including programmable calculators, may be used in the examination provided that the calculators are battery-powered, silent in operation and with neither print-out nor graphic/word-display facilities and do not use dot-matrix technology in the main display. Other electronic devices with graphic/word-display facilities (such as databank watches) are not permitted in examination centres.
Make sure that the jacket of your calculator does not contain any paper or the card with standard formula list provided by the manufacturer.
No help can be expected from the Centre Supervisor or invigilator should your calculator fail to function properly for any reason and no allowance will be given for any mistakes arising from calculator malfunctioning.
Calculators brought into the examination centre are subject to inspection and, in case of doubt, may be taken away for further inspection.
You must present yourself for the examination decently dressed. The Centre Supervisor will refuse to admit any candidate who is not properly dressed.
You should arrive at the examination centre at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the examination. No candidate is allowed to attend the examination 25 minutes after the commencement of the examination.
You are advised not to leave study materials and personal property outside the examination centre because of the risk of having such items stolen. The EMSD, the examination centre and the HKEAA will not be responsible for the loss of such items, nor is responsible for any accidents to the candidates or their accompanying persons at the examination centres.
Make sure that articles such as notes, books, pagers and mobile phones are taken out from your pockets. If these articles are found in your pocket/on your body during the examination, you may receive mark penalties or even your scores in the examination may be forfeited .
After Entering the Examination Centre
During the Examination
After the examination