The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) is conducting a territory-wide "2023 Energy Consumption Survey on Industrial Sector" (the Survey) from February 2024 to January 2025. The Survey aims at facilitating the Government's better understanding of the energy consumption profile in the local "Industrial Sector", with a view to updating the Hong Kong Energy End-Use Database and formulating relevant policies.
MVA Hong Kong Limited (MVA) is commissioned by EMSD to carry out the Survey. Enumerators from MVA will visit randomly selected merchants to conduct face-to-face interviews, and collect questionnaires and supplementary information in paper form. During the visits, the enumerators will wear uniforms and produce work identity cards issued by MVA for the merchants to verify. All information collected during the Survey will be handled in strict confidence and be used only for data aggregation and statistical analyses. All completed questionnaires and information collected will be destroyed upon completion of statistical analyses.
For enquiries, visit appointment or verification of enumerators' identity, please contact Mr. WONG of MVA at 2866 6653 or 2866 2279. For other enquiries related to the Survey, please contact Mr. TANG of Energy Efficiency Office, EMSD at 2808 3400.