Competent Persons (Class 6) (CP6) approved by EMSD are required to complete the LPG Vehicle Servicing Programme provided by the Vocational Training Council and possess practical experience. At present, there are almost 600 CP6 in Hong Kong. CP6 are qualified to maintain and repair the fuel system of LPG vehicles, including (i) replacement of LPG fuel tank, or (ii) maintenance, repair or replacement of vaporiser, pipework, regulator, mixer and associated components.
Starting from May 2018, EMSD have issued identification cards and certificates to all CP6. The identification cards and certificates are classified into two types, namely "Gold" and "Silver", so as to differentiate the eligibility of maintaining the fuel system of LPG vehicle equipped with internal fuel pump. CP6 with Gold cards are capable of maintaining the fuel system of LPG vehicle equipped with internal fuel pump while CP6 with Silver cards are capable of maintaining the fuel system of LPG vehicle but excluding the type equipped with internal fuel pump.
The CP6 identification cards and certificates are valid for 3 years. It may be renewed at any time during the 6 months before its expiry through EMSD's CP6 renewal platform. The renewal process includes following FOUR (4) simple steps. Gas Standards Office of EMSD would post the successful renewal applicants the cards and certificates to the registered contact address via registered mail.
CP6 should display his/her certificate at conspicuous place at the vehicle maintenance workshops that they are working at so that the responsible persons and drivers of LPG vehicles (taxis and public light buses) can identify if any CP6 are employed at the vehicle maintenance workshops. In case CP6 have not received their certificate/identification card or have any enquiry about renewal, please contact Gas Standards Office of EMSD (Tel: 2808 3683).
This register provides members of the public with a list of enlisted CP6 in Hong Kong. The public can check information of enlisted CP6. Use of the information for other purposes is strictly prohibited.
In order to cope with the issuance of "Digital E&M Licences" for CP6, EMSD provide all CP6s with a one-off identification card replacement. The new identification card will have a photo together with a QR code for anti-counterfeiting purpose. CP6 could upload the picture through the CP6 Renewal Platform (Traditional Chinese version only). Gas Standards Office of EMSD would post the successful renewal applicants the cards and certificates to the registered contact address via registered mail.
Form - Update of Personal Information (Traditional Chinese version only) [PDF format ( 137 KB )]
(Traditional Chinese version only) [MP4 format - 1:11:30 ( 41.1 MB )]