Quarterly Contractors' Performance Rating (CPR) of Registered Lift Contractors
(Assessment period: from January 2024 to December 2024) (Note 1)
(in alphabetical order based on the Services Quality Performance Rating)

Note 1:

The list of performance rating only shows the performance rating of the contractor who had five or more lifts inspected by the EMSD during the assessment period. In other words, for those contractors having less than five lifts inspected by the EMSD during the assessment period [refer to Table (a)], and contractors not undertaking any lift maintenance works during the assessment period [refer to Table (b)], their performances are not included in the list of performance rating.

(a) Contractors having less than five lifts inspected by the EMSD during the assessment period:

Name of Registered Lift ContractorContractor No.
Harbor Engineering Co. Limited RLC20004
Hongkong International Terminals Limited RLC01004
Loedige Asia Limited RLC07001
Tak Lee Elevator Engineering Co. Ltd. RLC02001

(b) Contractors not undertaking any lift maintenance works during the assessment period:

Name of Registered Lift ContractorContractor No.
Best Vision Group Limited RLC21001
Hoi Fai Lift Eng. & Services Co. Ltd. RLC87006
MTR Corporation Ltd. RLC78003
Ryoden Elevator Company Limited RLC64001
WeMaintain Limited RLC24002

Note 2:

safety_rating + service_quality_rating service_quality_rating service_quality_rating service_quality_rating service_quality_rating No non-compliance found in both safety and services quality aspects in two recent quarterly announcements (Safety Star awarded and the services quality performance index at 100 points in the two recent quarterly announcements)
safety_rating + service_quality_rating service_quality_rating service_quality_rating service_quality_rating No non-compliance found in both safety and services quality aspects (performance index at 100 points in this quarterly announcement)
safety_rating + service_quality_rating service_quality_rating service_quality_rating No non-compliance found in safety aspect and service quality performance index is between 90 and 99 points
safety_rating + service_quality_rating service_quality_rating No non-compliance found in safety aspect and service quality performance index is between 80 and 89 points
safety_rating + service_quality_rating No non-compliance found in safety aspect and service quality performance index is between 70 and 79 points
safety_rating No non-compliance found in safety aspect and service quality performance index is less than 70 points

In choosing a registered lift contractor for provision of maintenance services, apart from the price, the responsible person should also consider the registered contractor's background and scale, specific technical knowledge, availability of spare parts, details of maintenance works, time required, emergency response capability, as well as the latest quarterly performance rating. After considering these factors, if the responsible person decides to choose a registered contractor with no safety stars or with fewer quality stars under the Contractors' Performance Rating for provision of maintenance service, the EMSD suggests that the responsible person should step up the management and supervision of the contractor's performance. For instance, the responsible person may specify in the contract a requirement for regular submissions of operational reports of the lift with analysis of the working conditions, failure rates and failure modes. The responsible person should also hold regular meetings with the registered contractor and review the contractor's performance. If necessary, the responsible person should consider engaging an independent consultant to provide independent professional advice.

Note 3a:

Ineffective car door electrical interlock device was found, thus served with one warning letter. The records of non-compliance will be kept for one year until 3/2025.

Note 3b:

Occurrence of unintended car movement, thus served with one warning letter. The records of non-compliance will be kept for one year until 11/2025.