It is believed that the implementation of the registration of vehicle mechanics and vehicle maintenance workshops helps raise the service standard of the vehicle maintenance trade. Proper maintenance of vehicles is effective in preventing accidents, improving road safety, as well as reducing air pollution.

The government has launched the Voluntary Registration Scheme for Vehicle Mechanics (VRSVM) in 2007 as a gradual progress to minimise the possible impact on the vehicle maintenance trade.

To further enhance service standards as well as the professional image of the vehicle maintenance trade, the EMSD launched the Voluntary Registration Scheme for Vehicle Maintenance Workshops (VRSVMW) in 2015 following the introduction of the Vehicle Maintenance Workshops Charter in 2013.

Registered Workshops

To register with the VRSVMW, vehicle maintenance workshops should pledge to operate at a quality level not lower than that specified in the Practice Guidelines for Vehicle Maintenance Workshops in terms of the technical, environmental, safety, staff training, service and documentation requirements. Registered workshops must also employ Registered Vehicle Mechanics and have a working bay with a fixed cover, and accept the VRSVMW’s complaint handling mechanism and its decisions.

A registration certificate and identification signage specifying the registered type and registration number will be issued to every registered vehicle workshop. Each registration is valid for three years. The signage will be displayed at the workshop for easy identification by the public. Please refer to the EMSD website for details of registered workshops:

Video Clips of Practice Guidelines for Vehicle Maintenance Workshops

Eight video clips are now available to further explain the requirements of the Practice Guidelines for Vehicle Maintenance Workshops.

Promotion Day of the Voluntary Registration Scheme for Vehicle Maintenance Workshops

Promotion Day Invitation Card


Since the implementation of the VRSVMW in July 2015, the EMSD has launched a series of promotion activities initiated by the Vehicle Maintenance Technical Advisory Committee. These include the organisation of talks for the trade and visiting of workshops to introduce the VRSVMW since August 2015. Starting from 1 April, 2016, the VRSVMW is promoted to the public through TV and radio broadcasting.

To further promote the VRSVMW, including the identification signage of the registered workshops “Choose a registered workshop to ensure reliable vehicle maintenance,” the EMSD held the Promotion Day for the VRSVMW on 21 May, 2016 (Saturday) at the Atrium, G/F, in Domain (38 Ko Chiu Road, Yau Tong). Registered workshops could show the issued certificate and signage, which help car owners and drivers to choose qualified workshops. 

Information and Application Method

For detailed information and application method of the Voluntary Registration Scheme for Vehicle Maintenance Workshops, please click here.