F. Independent Verification Statement on Environmental Report


Purpose of the Verification

P-E Handley Walker (HK) Ltd. was commissioned by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) to perform an independent verification on the report layout, wordings and the accuracy of the data in the context of a public corporate environmental report.

Scope of the Verification

The verification is focussed on coverage of the report and accuracy of the reporting system on environmental performances.

The relevant documents of the key information and data from all Divisions of the EMSD were reviewed and the pertinence of the data to the calendar year 2000 was also verified.

Verification Statement of the Corporate Environmental Report

Our verification results confirm that the data presented is consistent with the materials and the system used to collect, maintain and analyze the data is also effective.

Our verification results also indicate that the EMSD has presented a comprehensive, fair and balanced disclosure of information of their Environmental Performances.

EMSD has made a notable achievement in meeting its objectives and targets in fulfillment of its environmental policy. Based on the information provided, EMSD has so far met all set targets within their specified time frames. For those on-going targets, progress is generally satisfactory.

Particularly noteworthy is the Department's effort in achieving the ISO 14001 Corporate Certificate in October, 2000, implementing the Green Procurement Guidance Notes to suppliers, participating in the Energy Efficiency Campaigns (e.g. Energy Efficiency Labeling Scheme) and other Governmental Environmental Initiatives. (e.g. LPG Vehicle Scheme)

Recommendations for future Reports

During the verification process, we have noticed an increased consumption in industrial resources as evidenced from the year 1999 and 2000 data due to business process requirements. It is suggested that explanation note shall be made for such particular situation.

EMSD is undergoing some consultancy studies on new technologies for conserving energy. It is recommended that such studies can be included in future Environmental Report.


Tommy Lau
Principal Consultant
Compliance Services
P-E Handley Walker (HK) Ltd.