Director's Message

This is the second Corporate Environmental Report
of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD). This year, we have decided to put the report on our web-site, and there will be no paper copies.

The major achievements in Year 2000 has been the establishment of environmental management systems for all the units in EMSD, and as a result, we have been awarded the ISO14001 Corporate Certificate. With the environmental management systems in place, we shall be even more self-disciplined to act responsibly in protecting, conserving and improving our environment.

Throughout the journey towards ISO14001 certification, we have widely publicized to all staff our commitment as a good corporate citizen towards improving the environment. We have conducted environment awareness courses for all staff. We have also trained up a number of internal auditors to conduct environmental audits. These exercises have helped to bring about lasting mindset and cultural changes, and a number of environmental management programmes were successfully implemented.

In our role as a government agency, we have helped towards environment improvement in our work on the LPG taxi scheme, and on the promotion of energy efficiency. In Year 2000, through our efforts, the first batch of five dedicated LPG filling stations were commissioned. With these facilities available, many more LPG taxis came on the line. Up to now, over 10,000 taxis are LPG powered, contributing greatly to air quality improvement.

On the energy efficiency front, we have many more models of electrical appliances joining the Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme. Up to year 2000, we have 854 domestic electrical appliances registered with the Energy Efficiency Labeling Scheme.

In our role as a service provider, we have carried out for our customers several energy efficiency improvement projects, the most significant one is in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital where we helped our client to replace the conventional boilers with the dual fuel gas fired boilers to increase energy efficiency and reduce air pollution. Such energy efficiency programmes not only helped improving the environment but also brought about economic benefits for our customer.

Looking ahead, we shall continue our attention and efforts in environmental improvements . In addition, this year, we will also establish and implement management systems for occupational health and safety, and we aim to achieve the corporate certification for OHSAS18001 in Year 2001.


Roger S. H. Lai
Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services

