

今年6月,我們負責交通燈維修管理的代表團隊,到南韓濟州島出席國際電機工程會議2014 (ICEE 2014)。在會議期間,代表團展示並介紹了香港交通燈系統及其保養的情況,他們更藉此機會參觀南韓京畿道高陽市及安養市的交通控制中心,交換心得。


雖然我們有不同的維修保養基準,但是次的技術交流,對我們安裝交通燈和維修保養,尤其在交通訊號維修服務取得ISO 55001認證上都大有裨益。該認證有助優化及提升設備效益和減少訊號故障對市民構成的影響。

Sharing Knowledge at ICEE Conference

EMSD is an active supporter of industry events and we strongly believe that our participation will benefit our staff through the exposure to the knowledge, experience and creative thinking of fellow industry practitioners as well as the most up-to-date scientific discoveries and innovative products.

In June, we sent a team responsible for the maintenance management of traffic signal systems to the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2014 (ICEE 2014), which was held in Jeju, South Korea. They took an active part in the conference, sharing with other delegates an overview of the traffic signal systems in Hong Kong as well as their maintenance. During their stay, they also visited the Traffic Control Centres in Goyang City and Anyang City.

Team leader Mr Lee Che-kit, Senior Engineer/Transport, Security and Central Services 3 (TSCS3) noted, “It is a very fruitful trip. We have a better understanding of how South Korea maintains traffic lights and applies intelligent transport systems.”

Although we have a different benchmark for maintenance practices, our Korea trip has provided good reference for our own installation and maintenance of traffic signal systems, for which we have received ISO 55001 certification. The certification helps optimise traffic lights in order to enhance equipment availability and minimise disruption to the public.