智能電錶 聰明節能




Smart Energy Saving with Smart Metering System

Being the service provider of a wide range of electrical and mechanical engineering equipment and system in government buildings, EMSD can best use the smart metering system to help client departments on energy consumption monitoring and saving.

Smart metering system can open up opportunities for energy efficiency and conservation, as well as new and improved services for client departments. The system can be employed to monitor, control and optimise the performance of major energy consuming building services systems including but not limited to air-conditioning system, electrical system, and lighting system. The system can also provide energy records for energy audits and review so that energy saving becomes a sustainable and continuous process.

EMSD is now carrying out energy audits for some major government buildings such as Police Headquarters, Civil Aviation Department Headquarters, Customs & Excise Headquarters, and Civil Engineering and Development Department Building. For those venues already equipped with the smart metering systems, we can make use of the energy data collected so as to help bureaux and departments identify their potential energy management opportunities. For other venues, we would recommend clients to install the smart metering system for future monitoring and analysing purpose.