機電署總部大樓獲ISO 50001認證

機電工程署一直致力推動能源效益及綠色建築。為確保我們的能源管理工作採用先進技術並達至國際標準,自2013年年底開始,我們便成立能源管理委員會,負責統籌本署總部大樓建立ISO 50001 能源管理體系的各項事宜。今年2月,總部大樓終於成功通過審查,取得ISO 50001 能源管理體系認證,並成為首幾幢獲 ISO 50001 認證的香港特區政府大樓之一,亦確認了機電署在能源管理方面的努力。


為籌備 ISO 50001 的認證事宜,能源管理委員會率先造訪已取得認證的兩幢建築物的管理層,以汲取經驗;最後,在ISO 50001標準的框架下,我們確立了能源管理體系的政策方針、適用範圍和目標,制定了一套全面的能源計劃方案,建立了一個能持續監控和改進的機制,編制了一套質量文件包括系統手冊、系統程序手冊和各種系統管理記錄,並安排了多個培訓課程予相關人士。

透過委員會的大力推廣和執行,物業設施管理組的全力支援,以及總部大樓所有員工的全力配合,總部大樓榮獲ISO 50001能源管理體系認證。

Effort in Energy Management Recognised
ISO 50001 Accreditation Awarded to EMSD Headquarters Building

EMSD is dedicated to promoting energy efficiency and green building. To ensure our energy management work is technologically advanced and up to the international standard, we set up an Energy Management Committee (EMC) at the end of 2013 to prepare the EMSD Headquarters Building for the ISO 50001 energy management system accreditation. In February this year, the headquarters building successfully passed the ISO 50001 audit and got the accreditation. It was one of the first few government buildings obtaining the ISO 50001 accreditation, which also recognised our effort in energy management.

We will share our energy management experience with our clients, and proactively assist them in developing energy management work. We also recommend new energy saving technologies on related E&M facilities to our clients to achieve energy saving and greenhouse gas emission reduction.

In preparing for the ISO 50001 accreditation, EMC visited and learned experiences from the management of the two accredited buildings. Under the framework of ISO 50001 standard, we established energy policy, identified appropriate objectives and scope, developed comprehensive energy performance indicators, implemented energy action plan for continual monitoring and improvement, and prepared a full set of quality documents, including system manual, procedure manual, and records of all related systems. We also organised training programmes for staff and related personnel.

With a collaboration of EMC, the Estate Management Unit and staff at the headquarters building, our efforts in energy management is demonstrated and recognised by the award of ISO 50001 energy management system accreditation.