「秋風化寶」抽風及排煙系統 改善空氣質素




Enhanced Ventilation and Smoke Exhaust System of Joss Paper Burners Improves Air Quality

EMSD’s cremation services team has always treated every cremation matter professionally and respectfully, with the hope that the deceased rest in peace and their relatives have peace of mind. During the peak seasons of Ching Ming and Chung Yeung Festivals each year, the heavy use of joss paper burners at the Diamond Hill Columbarium often led to flying embers and emission of smoke which blackened the walls nearby.

We offered to examine and enhance the ventilation and smoke exhaust system of the joss paper burners for the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) and had a metal gateway retrofitted at the exhaust opening of each joss paper burner. Embers could be swept into the collection shaft by a push of the gateways with a custom-made ash rake. At the same time, a control damper was installed at each smoke exhausting hood to facilitate the easy adjustment and balancing of the exhaust air volume on each floor of the Columbarium. Upon completion of the improvement works, the problem of flying embers and smoke at the Columbarium was efficaciously resolved and the air quality of the adjacent areas was significantly improved. FEHD was very pleased with the outcome of the improvement works and requested that such works be extended to other appropriate venues such as the Cape Collinson Columbarium.

This improvement project, named as "Rest in Breeze", truly reflected our spirit of "going the extra mile" for our clients and the public. It also won the “Best Improvement Project Award for Trading Fund” in the EMSD Quality & Safety Day 2016.