推廣樂齡科技 提升長者生活質素


上期提到,我們在今年6月的「樂齡科技博覽暨高峰會」中利用虛擬實境展示「建築信息模擬 — 資產管理」系統。除此之外,我們其實亦同時推廣在樂齡科技上的工作成果,包括展出「數碼牙科成像系統」、「老友愛旅行」虛擬實境應用程式等項目。



客戶如對我們的醫療新科技或樂齡科技項目有興趣,歡迎致電3155 4000與我們的高級工程師莊國基先生聯絡。

Using Gerontechnology to Enhance Quality of
Life for the Elderly

The EMSD has been offering reliable engineering services to public health institutions in Hong Kong. In response to the increasing demand for public health services, we adopt the latest technology to help enhance the services, and provide efficient and convenient support on E&M equipment for healthcare workers and patients. We also care for the community by using our professional and technical knowledge to contribute to the society and help the elderly improve their quality of life.

In the last issue, we mentioned the use of virtual reality (VR) technology to display the Building Information Modelling – Asset Management System at the Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit held in June this year. At the same event, we also showcased the results of our effort devoted to gerontechnology. Among the displays were the “Digital Dental Imaging System”, “The Elderly Love Travel” VR app, etc.

The “Digital Dental Imaging System” is a technology we introduced to the dental clinics under the Department of Health. The scanned dental information and images are stored electronically on computers, thus effectively streamlining information management and clinical procedures, and improving the efficiency of dental services. As for “The Elderly Love Travel” VR app, it is a mobile app specially developed for the elderly. By wearing a proper VR gear and activating the app via a smartphone, a user can enter the virtual world, for example, to experience the fun of dragon boat rowing and scuba diving, or even travel to famous attractions of different countries in the world. Through this app, the home-bound elderly can also enjoy the pleasure of travelling around the world anytime.

Trades and visitors showed great interest in our gerontechnology displays and participated actively in our workshops to experience the convenience brought by technology.

If you are interested in our new healthcare technology or gerontechnology projects, please contact our Senior Engineer, Mr. Chong Kwok-kee, at 3155 4000.