「建築信息模擬 ─ 資產管理」系統

機電署一直投入大量資源研發和推廣創新科技,與業界一起朝高科技方向發展。我們研發的「建築信息模擬 ─ 資產管理」(BIM-AM) 已於較早前取得香港專利,並且獲得國際組織的重視和肯定。繼去年參加美國得克薩斯州的「自動化科學與工程會議」後,我們今年再遠赴歐洲和美國,出席國際會議發表論文,並與外國專家互相交流,藉以推廣BIM-AM項目,提高香港機電業在國際市場的地位。

今年10月,國際知名的技術會議BILT EUR (Building Infrastructure Lifecycle, supported by Technology Europe) 於丹麥舉行,機電署在會議上發表題為《建築信息模擬和資產管理在有效操作和保養方面開創新局面》的論文,獲與會嘉賓一致讚賞。BILT EUR 致力發展 BIM 在工程和建築行業的應用,只有高水平並且原創的技術論文才會獲邀發表。



http://www.emsd.gov.hk/en/engineering_services/project_management_ consultancy/highlights_of_work/bim_am/index.html


客戶如欲知道更多關於BIM-AM系統的資料,歡迎致電2808 3593與我們的高級工程師陳賀賢先生聯絡。

BIM–AM System Wins Unanimous Acclaim in Europe and US International Conferences

The EMSD has been devoting considerable amount of resources in the development and promotion of innovative technologies, and working with the trade to move towards advanced technology. Our Building Information Modelling – Asset Management (BIM–AM) System, which was granted a patent in Hong Kong earlier, has been well received and highly recognised by various international organisations. Subsequent to the "Conference on Automation Science and Engineering" held last year in Texas, the United States, we presented papers at different international conferences in Europe and the United States this year. Through exchanges with foreign experts, we were able to promote the BIM–AM project and help elevate the profile of Hong Kong’s E&M industry in the international market.

At the BILT EUR (Building Infrastructure Lifecycle, supported by Technology Europe) held in Denmark in October 2017, EMSD presented a paper entitled “Breaking New Ground in BIM and Asset Management for Efficient Operations and Maintenance”, winning unanimous acclaim from all participants. The BILT EUR is an internationally renowned technical conference dedicated to the development of BIM applications in the engineering and construction sectors. Only original and technical papers of high standard will be invited to be presented at the conference.

Earlier we published a white paper entitled “Next-Generation Integrated Asset Management System with Building Information Modelling” and caught the eye of the Autodesk University of the United States. Our BIM–AM project was then selected from among hundreds of other BIM projects, and we were invited to attend the "AU LAS VEGAS 2017" Conference held in November 2017 to share our valuable experience with the participants.

In both conferences, we also shared our newly developed BIM–AM Standards and Guidelines, which were officially released in November 2017 and uploaded to the following webpage for reference by the trade and our clients:

http://www.emsd.gov.hk/en/engineering_services/project_management_ consultancy/highlights_of_work/bim_am/index.html

By participating in these events, we have impressed international experts and the trade with our BIM–AM project. This brings about a positive effect on promoting application of building information modelling in asset management.

For more information on BIM–AM System, please feel free to contact Mr. Steve Chan, Senior Engineer, at 2808 3593.