
支援初創科研項目 開拓共享試驗平台





我們樂意為客戶尋求合適的創新科技方案,如有興趣,請致電2808 3703與高級工程師李錦鴻先生聯絡。

The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) is dedicated to researching and developing innovative technology for provision of engineering solutions for clients, raising productivity and efficiency to enhance service quality for the public. As a link between the trade and our clients, we proactively connect and collaborate with different parties. We encourage the trade to develop more research projects on innovation and technology, and support development of start-ups and university researches by providing testing grounds and technical support to meet different opportunities and challenges ahead.

Supporting Start-up I&T Projects by Developing
Shared Testing Platforms

In the Chief Executive’s Policy Address delivered in October 2017, one of the policy initiatives is innovation and technology (I&T). The EMSD is actively implementing this policy by supporting the start-up projects on I&T. To this end, in the media gathering held on 28 November 2017 with the theme of supporting start-ups, our Director Mr. Sit Wing-hang introduced a pilot plan whereby our headquarters building and its facilities will be used by start-ups of the E&M trade and energy efficiency related industry as shared testing grounds to field-test novel technologies. In addition to its headquarters building, EMSD will also identify other trial venues for start-ups, so as to facilitate and expedite field tests of related projects. During the field tests, we will provide professional advice to research and development organisations and assist in measuring and verifying the effectiveness of the technologies.

To cope with the new measures for supporting the development of I&T projects in the future, we are preparing to establish an “Innovation Office” to co-ordinate related issues to speed up the pace of technology transfer in Hong Kong. The EMSD is also planning to set up an online I&T collaboration platform, listing the technology development needs of the Government in relation to E&M and energy efficiency as well as the I&T proposals from the start-ups for matching.

Innovative Technology Day
On 12 December 2017, EMSD and Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) co-organised the first Innovative Technology Day, in which various government departments, public organisations and 12 start-ups from HKSTP’s Incu-Tech Programme were invited to participate. Each start-up presented its latest research work on a range of different specialised subjects, such as smart building management system, energy-efficient fan coil unit, renewable energy generator unit, integrated 3D technology, smart data driving safety system, robotic application system, etc.

The Innovative Technology Day was packed with more than 200 participants, including over 30 representatives from client departments such as Airport Authority Hong Kong, Architectural Services Department, Customs and Excise Department, Correctional Services Department, Hospital Authority, Legislative Council Secretariat, Marine Department and Transport Department, etc. Participants were eager to find out about the design principles and applications of the products on display. Through this activity, we hoped to promote experience exchanges among ourselves, our client departments and the start-ups. Together, we also explored the feasibility of applying the start-ups’ fruits of research to our client departments – a joint effort to support and promote I&T development in Hong Kong.

We are delighted to explore appropriate I&T solutions for our clients. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Lee Kam-hung, Senior Engineer, at 2808 3703.


引入先進科技 助客戶培訓人才






我們樂意為客戶提供創新技術方案,如有任何查詢,請致電3757 6027與高級工程師彭國強先生聯絡。


Help Client Train Maritime Talents with Advanced and Integrated Technology

The EMSD is committed to assisting our client department in training maritime professionals to enhance their skills and preparing them for maintaining safety at sea. By introducing advanced technology and equipment to the Marine Department Training Centre and updating its Full Mission Ship Simulator and Vessel Traffic Services Simulator, we helped our client department train and acquaint their staff with knowledge about harbour traffic control and management and emergency handling to ensure safety in Hong Kong waters.

In collaboration with the Marine Department Training Centre, we integrated multiple software systems and hardware equipment within the simulators of different brands. The integrated technology not only makes the simulators more reliable and stable, but also gives full play to their functionalities and achieves the highest efficacy, enabling local and international trainees to learn to control different types of vessels. These integrated simulators have elevated Hong Kong’s international status in the field of maritime training.

The upgraded Full Mission Ship Simulator software can simultaneously integrate and support three training bridges to perform interactive simulation training in different scenarios. The LED light sources in the video projectors are environmentally friendly and power saving. They can last up to 100 000 hours, 25 to 30 times that of the conventional bulbs used in the past. They save time and cost in maintenance, greatly strengthening the usable capacity of the systems.

We also applied integration technology to link the software of the Vessel Traffic Services Simulator and Full Mission Ship Simulator together. These two simulators with different functionalities can interact in real time and work in co-ordination to provide users with complex and comprehensive scenario simulation training.

The replacement and upgrade exercise of the entire system at the Marine Department Training Centre consists of four contract projects, of which the video projection and display system project - encompassing procedures from technical study, tendering, installation to system testing - was completed in less than one and a half year. Our client department was very satisfied with the new system and equipment and greatly appreciated our team's collaboration spirit and project management quality.

We are happy to provide our clients with innovative technical solutions. For any enquiry, please contact Mr. Pang Kwok-keung, Senior Engineer, at 3757 6027.


創新技術應付工程挑戰 勇奪顧問工程師協會年獎

機電署採用創新的專業技術來應付工程期間的種種挑戰,順利克服為啟德發展區區域供冷系統鋪設海底管道的困難,並憑此在香港顧問工程師協會的首屆年獎比賽中勇奪「整體最佳大獎」。這既是對我們卓越工作的認可,亦是對團隊解難能力的肯定。頒獎禮在2017年11月20 日舉行,當日邀得運輸及房屋局局長陳帆先生及發展局常任秘書長(工務)韓志強先生分別作主題演講和頒發獎項。

啟德發展區區域供冷系統第三期(組合甲)的工程項目在建造過程中遇到不少挑戰,包括如何將冷凍水由系統的南廠輸送至位於啟德明渠進口道另一岸邊的香港兒童醫院。我們利用全港直徑最大的隧道鑽挖機,以無坑頂管法於海牀下放置兩條直徑2.8米的套筒,再在裏面鋪設兩條冷凍水水管。這項全港首創的海底工程的最大挑戰,在於我們須在整個鑽挖過程中不斷密切監測鑽挖方向及進度,並確保前方沒有任何障礙物,工程技術要求極高。我們在項目中首次引入製冷量高達5 000冷噸(17.5兆瓦)的製冷機組,規模屬全港最大。

在整個啟德發展區區域供冷系統完成後,每年料可節省高達8 500萬度電,相當於減少排放
59 500公噸二氧化碳。樓宇接駁這系統後,亦可節省安裝製冷機組的建設費用,估計約佔總建築成本的5至10%。美國、新加坡,以及歐洲和中東多國已廣泛採用區域供冷這項技術,特區政府亦正積極研究於本港其他新發展區加以採用。


EMSD Recognised by ACEHK Annual Awards for
Innovative Techniques to Overcome Engineering Challenges

In the inaugural Annual Awards of the Association of Consulting Engineers of Hong Kong (ACEHK), EMSD was awarded the “Overall Best Award” for our effort in adopting innovative and professional techniques to successfully tackle numerous challenges and problems encountered in the laying of the subsea pipelines for the District Cooling System (DCS) at Kai Tak Development (KTD). This is a recognition of our excellent work and an affirmation of our team’s problem-solving capability. The Annual Awards Presentation Ceremony was held on 20 November 2017. Mr. Frank Chan, Secretary for Transport and Housing, and Mr. Hon Chi-keung, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), were invited to deliver a keynote speech and present the awards respectively.

The DCS at KTD Phase III (Package A) project met with a host of challenges, one of which was to supply chilled water from DCS South Plant to the Hong Kong Children’s Hospital on the other side of the Kai Tak Approach Channel. By employing the city’s largest tunnel boring machine, two sleeve pipes measuring 2.8m in diameter were laid below the seabed by trenchless pipe jacking method, with two chilled water pipes installed within each sleeve pipe. The biggest challenge of this first-of-its-kind subsea pipe jacking work is that close monitoring of the direction of advancement and progress is required throughout the entire jacking operation, and that it must be ensured that the path of the tunnel boring machine should be clear of obstacles, a task that necessitates an exceptionally high level of engineering technique. In addition, we installed a chiller plant of 5 000 refrigeration tonnes (17.5 megawatt of refrigeration cooling capacity) for the first time in the project, the largest of its kind in Hong Kong.

Upon the completion of the entire DCS at KTD, an estimated 85 million kWh in electricity consumption can be saved every year, that is equivalent to a reduction of 59 500 tonnes of carbon dioxide emission per annum. By connecting to the DCS, user buildings can save on installing their own chillers and the associated equipment, which accounts for 5 to 10% of the total building cost. DCS has been widely adopted in other parts of the world, such as the United States, Singapore, and many European and Middle Eastern countries. The SAR Government is also actively studying the possibility of adopting the DCS in other new development areas in Hong Kong.

「建築信息模擬 ─ 資產管理」系統

機電署一直投入大量資源研發和推廣創新科技,與業界一起朝高科技方向發展。我們研發的「建築信息模擬 ─ 資產管理」(BIM-AM) 已於較早前取得香港專利,並且獲得國際組織的重視和肯定。繼去年參加美國得克薩斯州的「自動化科學與工程會議」後,我們今年再遠赴歐洲和美國,出席國際會議發表論文,並與外國專家互相交流,藉以推廣BIM-AM項目,提高香港機電業在國際市場的地位。

今年10月,國際知名的技術會議BILT EUR (Building Infrastructure Lifecycle, supported by Technology Europe) 於丹麥舉行,機電署在會議上發表題為《建築信息模擬和資產管理在有效操作和保養方面開創新局面》的論文,獲與會嘉賓一致讚賞。BILT EUR 致力發展 BIM 在工程和建築行業的應用,只有高水平並且原創的技術論文才會獲邀發表。



http://www.emsd.gov.hk/en/engineering_services/project_management_ consultancy/highlights_of_work/bim_am/index.html


客戶如欲知道更多關於BIM-AM系統的資料,歡迎致電2808 3593與我們的高級工程師陳賀賢先生聯絡。

BIM–AM System Wins Unanimous Acclaim in Europe and US International Conferences

The EMSD has been devoting considerable amount of resources in the development and promotion of innovative technologies, and working with the trade to move towards advanced technology. Our Building Information Modelling – Asset Management (BIM–AM) System, which was granted a patent in Hong Kong earlier, has been well received and highly recognised by various international organisations. Subsequent to the "Conference on Automation Science and Engineering" held last year in Texas, the United States, we presented papers at different international conferences in Europe and the United States this year. Through exchanges with foreign experts, we were able to promote the BIM–AM project and help elevate the profile of Hong Kong’s E&M industry in the international market.

At the BILT EUR (Building Infrastructure Lifecycle, supported by Technology Europe) held in Denmark in October 2017, EMSD presented a paper entitled “Breaking New Ground in BIM and Asset Management for Efficient Operations and Maintenance”, winning unanimous acclaim from all participants. The BILT EUR is an internationally renowned technical conference dedicated to the development of BIM applications in the engineering and construction sectors. Only original and technical papers of high standard will be invited to be presented at the conference.

Earlier we published a white paper entitled “Next-Generation Integrated Asset Management System with Building Information Modelling” and caught the eye of the Autodesk University of the United States. Our BIM–AM project was then selected from among hundreds of other BIM projects, and we were invited to attend the "AU LAS VEGAS 2017" Conference held in November 2017 to share our valuable experience with the participants.

In both conferences, we also shared our newly developed BIM–AM Standards and Guidelines, which were officially released in November 2017 and uploaded to the following webpage for reference by the trade and our clients:

http://www.emsd.gov.hk/en/engineering_services/project_management_ consultancy/highlights_of_work/bim_am/index.html

By participating in these events, we have impressed international experts and the trade with our BIM–AM project. This brings about a positive effect on promoting application of building information modelling in asset management.

For more information on BIM–AM System, please feel free to contact Mr. Steve Chan, Senior Engineer, at 2808 3593.

全天候機電服務 隨時候命





E&M Services
Always There

The EMSD always plans ahead and prepares for the worst. We keep the public E&M systems properly maintained at all times. With reliable E&M facilities, public safety as well as people's lives and properties are well protected. In case of emergency, our Emergency Control Centre plays an active role in closely monitoring the operation of E&M facilities and making prompt responses. In August this year when super typhoon Hato hit Hong Kong, our Emergency Control Centre mobilised our internal engineering teams effectively and collaborated closely with other government departments in rising to the challenges. Thanks to the dedication and perseverance of various colleagues, the damaged public E&M facilities were quickly restored after the typhoon.

During Hato’s visit, Hurricane Typhoon Signal No. 10 was hoisted. Although Hong Kong looked calm, the storm surge was further intensified by the astronomical tide, raising the sea water level by four metres. As a result, many of the E&M facilities were damaged to varying degrees. They included traffic lights on busy streets, seven severely flooded pedestrian subways, and boarding gangways at six ferry piers across the territory.

The Emergency Control Centre took such effective contingency measures as liaising with our internal engineering teams to co-ordinate manpower and work; collaborating with the Transport Department to race against time to repair damaged traffic lights while the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 was still in force; providing pumping facilities to assist the Highways Department in clearing water from flooded pedestrian subways so as to repair the lighting inside as quickly as possible; and sending engineering staff to various piers to carry out urgent repairs around the clock.

The EMSD is capable of coping with any emergency. Equipped with the necessary engineering skills and experience, we are able to make sound judgements in response to any emergency, no matter big or small, and take the most appropriate actions in no time to protect public safety.



要達到《香港氣候行動藍圖2030+》減少碳排放的目標,政府牽頭至為重要。自2015年起,我們與醫管局合作引入創新的能源管理項目,把多間醫院的老化冷氣機組更換為磁浮式變頻製冷機,並委託香港科技大學核實有關項目的成本效益,結果顯示每年可節省超過1 300萬千瓦小時的耗電量。


客戶如欲了解更多有關高效能製冷機的應用及成效的資料,歡迎致電3155 4003與高級工程師張敏婕女士聯絡。

EMSD Wins the Regional Energy Project of the Year Award for the Asia-Pacific Region

Over the years, EMSD has been helping our client departments implement different energy-saving and emission-reduction solutions through the application of new technology so as to reduce energy consumption and enhance energy efficiency. In September this year, EMSD and the Hospital Authority (HA) jointly received from the Association of Energy Engineers the Regional Energy Project of the Year Award for the Asia-Pacific region. Also, EMSD won the Regional Institutional Energy Management Award for the Asia-Pacific region, commending our outstanding performance in energy-management programme.

To achieve the carbon emission reduction target set out in Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2030+, it is essential that the Government takes a leading role. Since 2015, we have been co-operating with HA to introduce innovative energy-management projects. We replaced the aged air-conditioning units in a number of hospitals with magnetic bearing variable speed chillers and engaged the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to verify the cost-effectiveness of the projects. It is concluded that an annual electricity consumption of around 13 million kWh has been saved.

The award encourages the trade to consider the use of high-efficiency chillers, and we will continue to promote the adoption of high-efficiency E&M equipment by the trade to achieve energy-saving targets and contribute to environmental protection.

For more information on the application and effectiveness of high-efficiency chillers, please contact Ms. Jovian Cheung, Senior Engineer, at 3155 4003.

為飛機庫更換消防系統 成效顯著




客戶如欲了解更多有關使用線式熱力感應器的消防系統的資料,歡迎致電2183 6558與高級工程師程廣輝先生聯絡。

Replacement of Hangar’s Fire Services System Achieves Remarkable Results

The EMSD is committed to enhancing the engineering and technical services provided. By forming various think tanks comprising experts from different disciplines, we are able to help our colleagues respond proactively to clients’ needs. As we are familiar with clients’ venues and facilities, we can also offer feasible engineering solutions. Taking the example of reducing the frequency of unwanted fire alarms in the hangar of the Government Flying Service (GFS) Headquarters, we adhered to the customer-oriented principle in providing solutions and completed the installation works of a new fire services system in an expedited period of two months. Now it has been about half a year since its putting into service, and there has been no more unwanted fire alarms. This significant achievement has earned the client’s trust.

Located in an open environment with natural ventilation, the hangar used the conventional point-type heat detectors originally which are easily affected by weather. As a result, unwanted fire alarms occurred several times last year and took place frequently during humid spring season, affecting the operation of GFS. Our Airport and Vehicle Engineering Division worked closely with our Think Tank on Fire Services Installations to come up with a professional recommendation that linear heat detectors should be used, and thus helped the client solve the problem successfully.

The linear heat detectors are installed 15-metre high up on the ceiling of the hangar and connected to the controller mounted on the wall of the hangar so as to send and receive signals. The entire set of linear heat detectors are encased with waterproof polymer which resists humid weather. They also use conductors as sensing elements which can detect the heat at any point along their length. When the temperature reaches 68˚C or above, the insulator of a linear heat detector will melt. Its connecting controller will immediately transmit a fire alarm message to the main fire control panel to set off the fire alarm. After installation of the new fire services system, the number of unwanted fire alarms has decreased significantly, demonstrating that we are able to provide better quality services to the client.

For more information on the fire services system using linear heat detectors, please contact Mr. Ching Kwong-fai, Senior Engineer, at 2183 6558.





如客戶對固定電力裝置檢測有任何查詢,歡迎聯絡高級工程師林詩薇女士(電話:3155 4301)。

Periodic Inspection, Testing and Certification for Government Building Electrical Installations Brings Peace of Mind

Periodic Inspection, Testing and Certification (PITC) for fixed electrical installations can serve as precautionary measures to ensure reliable electricity supply and minimise the instance of electrical accidents. According to the Electricity (Wiring) Regulations, fixed electrical installations located at a place of public entertainment, premises for the manufacturing or storing of dangerous goods, or premises with a high voltage fixed electrical installation shall be inspected, tested and certified at least once every 12 months. Meanwhile, fixed electrical installations of other buildings as prescribed in the Regulations shall be inspected, tested and certified at least once every five years. To ensure public safety and safeguard clients’ assets, EMSD has taken the lead to properly maintain government buildings and has conducted PITC for their fixed electrical installations to offer clients peace of mind.

Recently, we have completed PITC for fixed electrical installations of the Central Government Complex, the EMSD Headquarters and the Tai Po Air Quality Monitoring Station. Taking the Central Government Complex for example, the buildings house various bureaux and departments, many of which serve the public seven days a week throughout the year. They are at the public’s service even at night or during holidays. This makes allocating a time slot to suspend power supply for conducting inspection of electrical installations particularly difficult. To ensure government services remain unaffected, we began planning more than two years ahead, conducted detailed research on the designs and modes of operation of the electrical installations, organised numerous inter-departmental meetings with representatives of the Architectural Services Department and various bureaux and departments at the Central Government Complex, formulated comprehensive inspection plans and contingency solutions based on risk assessments, and carried out PITC in phases and on a zone-by-zone basis with all of them completed successfully in the end. The operations of the Central Government Complex, the Office of the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council Complex were not affected at all throughout the process.

Government buildings are venues where services are provided to the public. We have always initiated PITC for the fixed electrical installations with our clients in view of their operations. Moreover, to prevent any electrical accident and ensure public safety, EMSD has been proactively promoting the importance of PITC to owners of private buildings, and enforcing the Regulations.

Should clients have any enquiry on PITC for fixed electrical installations, you are welcome to contact Ms. Janet Lam, Senior Engineer, at 3155 4301.





機電嘉年華節目內容豐富,包括饒富教育意義的攤位遊戲、兒童手工藝坊、遊樂玩意及團體表演等。此外,我們亦會在總部大樓地下大堂設置「機電業歷史展廊」,展示機電署和機電業界過去數十年為社會服務的珍貴歷史照片和資料,讓嘉賓和市民更深入了解與市民生活息息相關的機電業和回味箇中點滴。為向公眾推廣機電安全、節能環保和科技應用,全新的「機電 • 夢飛翔」展覽館將正式開幕,歡迎市民參觀。

另外,「機電嘉年華2018」網上問答比賽亦由即日起至2018年1月10日舉行,歡迎大家踴躍參加,答中有關機電安全和能源效益的問題,便有機會贏取豐富獎品。欲知有關詳情,請登入以下的機電嘉年華網址瀏覽: https://www.emsd.gov.hk/minisites/carnival2018

E&M Carnival 2018

E&M Carnival 2018, one of Hong Kong’s largest public educational activities promoting E&M safety, energy conservation and technology application, will be held from 20 to 21 January 2018 at the EMSD Headquarters. The year 2018 marks the EMSD 70th anniversary, so elements of our anniversary could also be found from the carnival as well.

The E&M Carnival will feature various activities including educational game booths, children handicraft workshops, recreational games and group performances. At the lobby on the ground floor of the headquarters building, there will be an exhibition “E&M Trade Historical Collections”, showcasing precious photos and literature on the work contributed by EMSD and the E&M trade over the past few decades. Guests and members of the community can learn more about the E&M trade and reminisce about how it has played a crucial part in our daily lives over the years. To promote E&M safety, energy efficiency and technological application to the general public, the brand new EMSD Gallery will be officially opened to the public.

Meanwhile, the E&M Carnival 2018 online quiz is running until 10 January 2018. Please visit https://www.emsd.gov.hk/minisites/carnival2018 for details of the carnival and stand a chance of winning valuable prizes by answering some questions about E&M safety and energy efficiency.





Staff Movement

Effective 9 October 2017, Mr. Chan Chi-wai has been appointed as Acting Assistant Director/3 to take charge of the Corporate Support and Business Development Branch. He is responsible for the formulation of corporate strategies and plans for the Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund and the Department’s training development. Mr. Chan also provides overall management of all central supporting functions, facilitating the departmental work in customer services, marketing and business support, as well as direct management of contract advisory matters.