
為加快香港創新與科技(創科)發展的步伐,機電署繼成立創新辦公室、設立網上創新科技協作平台(E&M InnoPortal),以及舉辦兩次「創新科技日」後,在過去數月先後多次帶領客戶部門、大學學者和業界代表到訪粵港澳大灣區(包括深圳、廣州和東莞),考察當地創科的最新發展。我們借鑑當地推行不同創科項目的經驗,為我們的客戶部門及機電業界引進合適的創新科技,以推動香港智慧城市的發展。



考察團亦參加了相關的專題會議,與本地及內地的大學學者和創科團隊就大灣區的創科發展交換意見,並藉此機會推廣我們的E&M InnoPortal,以促進粵港兩地在創科方面的合作。


Greater Bay Area Visits to Study Innovation and
Technology Development

To speed up the pace of innovation and technology (I&T) development in Hong Kong, the EMSD has set up the Inno-Office, launched the E&M InnoPortal, and organised twice the Innovative Technology Day. In the past few months, we also took the lead in organising several delegations, formed by client departments, academics and trade representatives, to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (including Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Dongguan) so as to gain a better understanding of the latest I&T development there. We drew reference from their experience in taking forward various I&T projects with a view to introducing appropriate innovative technologies for our client departments and the E&M industry to promote the development of smart city in Hong Kong.

Members of the delegations came from various client departments and other organisations, including the Airport Authority Hong Kong, Marine Department, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, Architectural Services Department, Civil Engineering and Development Department, Government Property Agency, Government Logistics Department, Highways Department, Environmental Protection Department, Transport Department, Hong Kong Police Force, Fire Services Department, Correctional Services Department, Government Flying Service, Hospital Authority, the Prince Philip Dental Hospital, Department of Health, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and the E&M trade.

The delegations visited a number of enterprises and key bases of I&T in the Greater Bay Area to learn about the latest technologies that can be applied to smart cities, including multi-functional smart street lamps; technologies and applications of Internet of Things and data platforms; data analysis which helps enhance the operation and maintenance efficiency of smart buildings, lifts and integrated building management systems; technological development of smart remote monitoring systems and video analytics; big data and analytics services for clients via artificial intelligence cloud platforms; smart photovoltaic power generation solutions; smart modular data centres; automated puzzle parking system; and the latest development of robot and robotic arm systems and their applications in the trade.

The delegations also attended thematic seminars during which they exchanged views on the I&T development in the Greater Bay Area with academics of local and Mainland universities and I&T teams. We also took the opportunity to promote our E&M InnoPortal to foster I&T collaboration between Guangdong and Hong Kong.