



我們樂意與客戶分享各項節約能源措施,有興趣的客戶請致電3155 4302與高級工程師王志亮先生聯絡。

Promote Sustainable Development of the EMSD Headquarters Building

The EMSD is committed to promoting environmental protection and proactively implementing sustainable development. Over the past few years, the EMSD has set an example by implementing at its headquarters building a number of energy conservation measures, including the application of new energy efficiency technologies, implementation of optimised housekeeping practices, and reduction of unnecessary energy consumption. These measures have achieved remarkable results. Compared with the previous year, the total electricity consumption of the headquarters building was reduced by about 1.3 million kWh in 2017-18, which is approximately equivalent to the average annual electricity consumption of 390 residential households. The 1% annual electricity reduction target (2013-14 as base) set by the Environment Bureau has been achieved. As at June this year, the building’s accumulative saving in electricity consumption even exceeded our electricity reduction target of 4% (2013-14 as base).

After being connected to the District Cooling System at Kai Tak Development, the headquarters building has achieved an increase of 20% in energy efficiency as compared to using the water-cooled air-conditioning system equipped with separate cooling towers. In fact, the district cooling system helps improve air quality and achieve the target of low-carbon economy. We also worked with start-ups to install a Fan Coil Unit Energy Saver in the air-conditioning system of the headquarters building for optimisation of energy use by effectively control the voltage to adjust the fan motor speed.

In addition to using ancillary infrastructure or new technologies to achieve energy-saving targets, we have also developed good energy-saving habits in our daily lives, e.g. turning off part of the office lightings during lunchtime and readjustment of the idling time of automatic light sensor switches for reduction of power consumption. To further enhance energy efficiency, all traditional luminaires in the offices and fire escape routes have also been replaced with Light Emitting Diode (LED) lightings, which have better luminous efficiency and longer service life.

We are happy to share with our clients various energy-saving measures. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Wong Chi-leung, Senior Engineer, at 3155 4302.