
機電工程營運基金2018年客戶意見調查於去年年底進行,向客戶發出約2 000多份問卷,回應率達53.1%。我們衷心感謝客戶的支持和參與,亦特別鳴謝逾百位客戶代表接受獨立市場研究公司的進一步訪問,你們的意見及建議將有助我們提升服務質素。目前,我們正就該公司提交的報告及建議,制訂改善方案。

Thanks to Our Customers for Their Support for the Opinion Survey

The Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund Customer Opinion Survey 2018 was conducted at the end of last year, under which about 2 000 questionnaires were sent to our customers, with a response rate of 53.1%. We are grateful for our customers’ support and participation, and wish to give our special thanks to more than one hundred client representatives who were subsequently interviewed by an independent market research company. Your opinions and suggestions will help us improve our services. We are now formulating enhancement solutions based on the report and recommendations submitted by the market research company.