










如客戶有創科方面的需求,請與我們的高級工程師林鑫駿先生聯絡(電話:2808 3879)。

登入網址 https://inno.emsd.gov.hk/tc/together-we-fight-the-virus/index.html,觀看機電創科網上平台的「同心抗疫」專頁。

智慧城市 從數碼化開始





至於獲得「榮譽獎」的機電署客戶服務中心,是首個把《指引》應用於整個建築生命周期的政府場地,從設計、施工以至營運的各個階段均全面採用BIM技術。此外,我們的團隊致力開發和應用BIM-AM技術,自2014年開始一直參與BIM-AM項目研發的機電署電子工程師袁彪洪先生更奪得「Young BIMer of the Year」獎項,肯定了他在促進行業數碼化發展方面的貢獻。


建造業零碳天地: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxDqn7YcHW0 (只提供中文版)

機電署客戶服務中心: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLaxl_KpEnk (只提供中文版)








歡迎客戶部門提出應用物聯網的需求,我們樂意提供合適的技術支援及物聯網方案,請致電2808 3593與我們的高級工程師陳賀賢先生聯絡。





日以繼夜 搶修設施

2019年下半年,機電署的邊境及運輸工程部經歷了嚴峻的考驗。香港發生連串社會事件,大量公共設施受到破壞,我們的團隊緊守崗位,竭盡所能為市民搶修損毀的交通燈及紅磡海底隧道(紅隧),使有關設施得以在短時間內恢復正常運作 。

路面安全 刻不容緩

機電署一直協助運輸署監察全港約2 000個設有交通燈的路口的運作情況。受社會事件影響,自去年6月以來,約750個路口的交通燈受到單次或多次破壞,先後約有1 400次的損毀記錄。



搶修紅隧 分秒必爭






機電署於2 0 1 8 年年底受醫院管理局(醫管局)委託,為重開早年關閉的深灣洗衣房而須進行的翻新及改善工程,提供技術支援,使這個每年可清洗超過900萬件衣物的洗衣房於2019年第三季重新投入服務,適時應付醫院因2019冠狀病毒病疫情而增加的洗衣服務需求。

我們協助醫管局更換洗衣房的水管、蒸氣管道和有關設備,整項工程僅花六個月時間完成,以配合隨後一系列的試行運作測試。由於舊有的蒸氣管道老化,部分管道出現滲漏情況, 需要更換;此外,有部分舊有管道位於新的洗衣設備上方,也增加了更換工程的難度及複雜性, 因為我們須配合管道內石棉的拆除工程及臨時存放安排。最後,我們克服了重重困難,如期完成有關工程,獲得客戶讚賞。同時, 我們亦為蒸氣鍋爐安裝了新的傳感器,以監察鍋爐運作時的排放情況。

此外, 我們為採購洗衣設備提供技術支援,包括參與標書評審工作和協助驗收洗衣設備。我們亦為醫管局承辦商新安裝的洗衣房機電系統(包括電力、消防及通風設備等)進行驗收,並就系統維修保養配套提供專業意見。

Joining Hands in the Fight Against the Epidemic

The spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) around the world has put the Hong Kong society on high alert. Facing the sudden challenge, the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) has immediately initiated emergency measures to render full support to various government departments during these difficult times.

Providing Full Support to the Health Sector

In the ongoing anti-epidemic efforts, we have assisted the Hospital Authority (HA) and the Department of Health (DH) in serving 40 public hospitals and over a hundred of clinics across the territory. In addition to conducting examination, assessment, repair and maintenance works and providing engineering solutions for public healthcare facilities, we have prioritised system evaluation and strengthened the maintenance of air-conditioning and ventilation systems as well as other electrical and mechanical (E&M) equipment in high-risk areas such as isolation wards, surveillance wards, designated clinics and Accident and Emergency Departments to ensure medical staff are working and patients are receiving treatments in a safe environment. Besides, in response to the requests from our clients, we have enhanced the air flow of ventilation systems, adjusted and added negative pressure wards, and undertaken the design, construction and installation of air filtration systems. We have also supported the DH and the HA in the deployment and installation of infrared fever screening systems at border control points and hospitals.

Combating an epidemic is never easy. We have to shoulder greater responsibilities and take up a wider scope of work with the existing staff resources. This, coupled with the ever-increasing demands and expectations of the community and our clients in respect of public health, has posed a great challenge to the work of achieving the goal of “prevention is better than cure”. Notwithstanding, in face of the unexpected outbreak, the EMSD is duty bound to play an active role in making preparations for quarantine centres. For instance, we have assisted the DH in conducting assessment of the ventilation systems and other E&M equipment at the prospective sites of quarantine centres, participated in the preparation works to convert holiday villages and Chun Yeung Estate into quarantine centres, and provided maintenance services for the E&M equipment at various quarantine centres.

Hygiene of Vehicles and Border Facilities

Apart from our gate-keeping role in respect of public healthcare facilities, the cleanliness and hygiene of vehicles that have transported patients or come in contact with confirmed cases are equally important. We have carried out comprehensive cleaning and disinfection of the air-conditioning systems on ambulances. We first disinfected the system cooling units and air vents by spraying a special disinfectant, followed by thorough cleaning and installation of additional air filters of higher efficiency in the rear air-conditioning systems to filter germs in a more effective manner. Since ambulances are frequently used, we have arranged for resident staff at ambulance depots to carry out installation of air filters to expedite the work progress. Moreover, for police vehicles that have transported infected people, and other departments’ vehicles providing support to the cleaning operations in the vicinity of confirmed patients’ homes, we will disinfect their air-conditioning systems.

Furthermore, it is important to maintain the safe operation and hygienic conditions of border facilities. We have inspected and enhanced maintenance of air-conditioning and ventilation systems as well as air purifiers at the Government VIP Lounge at the airport and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge control point within a short period of time, ensuring better circulation and fresher air. Meanwhile, we have also inspected all UV disinfection lamps to ensure proper functioning, reducing the risk of virus spreading.

InnoDigital Solutions

In light of the development of the epidemic, our E&M InnoPortal, which serves as a dedicated online platform to facilitate the matching of innovation and technology (I&T) solutions by start-ups and universities with needs of government departments and public organisations, has recently rolled out a special page entitled “Together, We Fight the Virus!” showing a list of I&T wishes to support the anti-epidemic efforts. In just a short period of time, we have received over a hundred of proposals in response, and the Mobile Fever Screening Robot, for instance, is one of the solutions being sought on the platform. By providing the I&T solution matching service, we hope we can support all government departments to meet clients’ needs and fight the virus together.

Having learned a lesson from the fight against the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), we have become better prepared for the COVID-19 epidemic and are committed to supporting our clients’ operations. Amid the race against time, we are also constantly adjusting our strategy, striving to minimise the threats posed by the virus and rendering more quality and reliable services to our clients and the general public.

Should you have any request involving I&T, please feel free to contact Mr. Tommy Lam, Senior Engineer, at 2808 3879.

Visit the website at https://inno.emsd.gov.hk/en/together-we-fight-the-virus/index.html to view the special page “Together, We Fight the Virus!” of the E&M InnoPortal.

Smart City Starts with Digitisation

The EMSD has been providing digitised E&M engineering and innovative solutions to clients and working with them to maximise public value for the society. Our digitised innovative solutions have been recognised by the trade time and again and have won numerous awards. Furthermore, to explore more digitised engineering solutions, we have organised innovation and technology (I&T) workshops in collaboration with other government departments and partners to study the feasibility of applying innovative solutions with trade experts and carry out related research and development (R&D).

Autodesk Hong Kong BIM Awards

To optimise the maintenance workflow of E&M facilities, we actively adopt the Building Information Modelling-Asset Management (BIM-AM) system in venues of a number of government departments and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). In 2019, our successful application of Internet of Things (IoT) technology in BIM-AM pilot projects yielded satisfactory results, and we were presented with three awards in the Autodesk Hong Kong BIM Awards 2019.

The CIC-Zero Carbon Building, winner of the “BIM Awards”, is the first NGO building that complies with the BIM-AM Standards and Guidelines (the Guidelines) and integrates the BIM-AM technology with that of the IoT. By means of a mobile application, engineering personnel are able to carry out remote monitoring via the wireless IoT sensors, and perform quick positioning of assets using the radio-frequency identification system and QR code scanning. They can also conduct remote diagnosis for facility faults by tracking the asset relationship in the BIM-AM system to enhance the efficiency of facility management.

Earning the “Honourable Mention” award from Autodesk, the EMSD’s Customer Service Centre (CSC) is the first government venue that applies the Guidelines throughout its entire building lifecycle, with the BIM technology fully adopted from design to construction and operation. Furthermore, our team is committed to developing and applying the BIM-AM technology. Mr. Francis Yuen Piu-hung, Electronics Engineer with the EMSD who has been involved in the R&D of the BIMAM project since 2014, was awarded “Young BIMer of the Year”, a recognition of his contribution in promoting the digitisation development of the trade.

Visit the websites below to view the video entries of the awarded projects:

CIC-Zero Carbon Building: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxDqn7YcHW0 (Chinese version only)

EMSD’s CSC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLaxl_KpEnk (Chinese version only)

The 5th International BIM Awards by buildingSMART Hong Kong

In addition to the above awards, the EMSD also won “The 5th International BIM Awards - the Best BIM Government Department Award” organised by buildingSMART Hong Kong (bSHK), a professional BIM organisation. Reviewed by bSHK and trade experts, the Hong Kong Children’s Hospital and Tin Shui Wai Hospital projects to which BIM-AM technology was introduced were recognised. A collaboration between the EMSD and the two hospitals, the projects have applied BIM-AM technology to hospitals to facilitate E&M asset management by maintenance staff, which help enhance public healthcare services.

With “Digital City” as the theme, bSHK’s 5th International BIM Awards Conference brought together trade elites from the Mainland and Hong Kong to explore the application of BIM and cloud technologies, artificial intelligence, IoT and big data in the construction engineering industry, as well as discuss the digital transformation of the construction industry and smart city development. With rapid technological advancement, the EMSD actively collaborates with different sectors and departments to enhance the performance of E&M assets through the use of innovative technologies. We hope that more client departments will apply BIM-AM technology in the future in our concerted efforts to build Hong Kong into a smart city.

I&T Day x Sensor Hub Workshop

Entering into 2020, the EMSD joined hands with the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTPC) and the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) to organise the Innovative Technology Day (I&T Day) x Sensor Hub Workshop at the Hong Kong Science Park (HKSP) on 15 January. The event served as a matching platform for government departments and companies from the HKSP to discuss and exchange views on IoT solutions and the development and application of related technologies in Hong Kong as well as identify potential partners.

Besides introducing various applications of the Government dedicated IoT network named Government-wide IoT Network at the workshop, including optimising the monitoring and predictive maintenance of E&M equipment, improving flood monitoring and car park management, etc., the EMSD also shared the experiences and challenges in the daily application of sensors, with a view to promoting the adoption of IoT technology by government departments.

At the event, participating organisations showcased a diversified array of sensor technologies and sensor application solutions, and presented how sensors could be applied to improve operational efficiency and service standards. The workshop attracted an attendance of over 220 representatives from government departments, companies from the HKSP and research institutions as well as academic experts.

Client departments are welcome to raise needs for IoT application. We are happy to provide appropriate technical support and loT solutions. Please contact Mr. Chan Hor-yin, Senior Engineer, at 2808 3593.

Promoting Electronic Services for Vehicle Examination Booking

With the upgrading of the Core Appointment Booking Control (CABC) System of Government Vehicle Examination Centres (VECs) completed in 2019, we have successfully promoted electronic services for the Transport Department (TD) to boost VECs’ operational efficiency. Meanwhile, we have been gearing up for the relocation of three VECs in Kowloon Bay and To Kwa Wan in 2021 to enable our client to seamlessly link its current operation systems to that of the new VEC in Tsing Yi, bringing convenience to members of the public.

To tie in with the commissioning of the new Tsing Yi VEC, we started the updating and upgrading of the CABC System for the TD in early 2018. We have reviewed the past practices and standardised the data handling of the four VECs which are responsible for examination of different types of vehicles, and also optimised their record-keeping processes and workflows. The upgraded CABC system facilitates interconnection and sharing of vehicle examination records, and allows other information systems of the TD to retrieve vehicle examination results or reports more quickly, so that members of the public can enjoy the convenience of using the services concerned. The new system is also equipped with a huge centralised database that consolidates past examination records of VECs for effective storage, search and retrieval by users.

Benefits of the New CABC System

Working Relentlessly to Repair Damaged Facilities

The Boundary Crossing Facilities and Transport Services Division of the EMSD faced unprecedented challenges in the second half of 2019. Our team remained dedicated under the series of social incidents happened in Hong Kong which resulted in damage to a large number of public facilities, and continued to make strenuous efforts to repair damaged traffic lights and the Cross-Harbour Tunnel (CHT) for members of the public so that such facilities could resume normal operation in a short time.

Road Safety Comes First

The EMSD has been monitoring the operation of around 2 000 traffic light junctions in Hong Kong for the Transport Department (TD). Affected by the social incidents, traffic lights at around 750 road junctions had been damaged once or multiple times since June 2019, with approximately 1 400 damage records in total.

Given the significant number of damaged traffic lights and that some of the facilities were severely damaged, the EMSD particularly expanded the number of its maintenance staff to 160, with a view to restoring as many damaged traffic lights as possible before the morning peak hours. In order to minimise public inconvenience, the urgent repair works were carried out round-the-clock, with inspection, repair and testing work conducted particularly at late night and during the few hours in the early morning.

Since the entire project of restoring the traffic light system involves multiple areas, the Government has formed an inter-departmental task force consisting of the TD, the EMSD, the Highways Department and the Hong Kong Police Force to handle the repair works of traffic lights. The task force not only co-ordinated the repair works and traffic arrangements on roads, but also closely exchanged latest information so that different departments could speed up their contingency and repair works. Thanks to the efforts of relevant departments, all traffic lights in the territory resumed operation on 21 December 2019, allowing members of the public to go out with peace of mind.

Every Minute Counts: Speedy Recovery of the CHT

With an average daily traffic flow of 110 000 vehicles, the CHT is one of the busiest road tunnels in Hong Kong. Last November, the CHT was severely damaged and had to be temporarily closed, resulting in serious traffic congestion in the remaining two road harbour crossings during peak hours.

During inspection of the CHT by staff from the EMSD and the TD, it was found that both the Administration Building and the toll plaza had been extensively damaged. A number of emergency repair works were required before resumption of service. Though restoring the relevant facilities in a short time was an extremely difficult task, to minimise the inconvenience caused to the public as soon as possible, we swiftly formulated a recovery plan, set up a 24-hour dedicated emergency team immediately for co-ordination and established a notification mechanism. In addition to carrying out repair works and monitoring their progress, we also conducted detailed on-site testing to ensure the smooth and safe operation of all E&M systems and facilities before re-opening. Moreover, through the formation of a multi-disciplinary response team, the EMSD worked closely and co-ordinated with different government departments on manpower, resource and time arrangements, which helped improve the efficiency of the repair works.

With close collaboration with relevant departments and trade partners day and night, we promptly purchased, replaced and repaired seven automatic toll collection systems, the power supply and air-conditioning systems of all the toll booths, lane signalling systems, over-height vehicle detectors, display screens of traffic monitoring systems, etc. and provided adequate portable Octopus readers. We finally completed this impossible mission of restoring relevant facilities of the CHT within 100 hours, enabling the CHT to resume operation on 27 November 2019.

In conclusion, we realised the importance of being flexible at work and co-ordination among departments through the above experience, which also helped us optimise our risk management work and enhance our service quality.

Assist in Re-opening of Shum Wan Laundry

Engaged by the Hospital Authority (HA) at the end of 2018, the EMSD provided technical support for the renovation and improvement works for the re-opening of Shum Wan Laundry that had been closed for a few years, bringing this laundry with annual handling capacity of over nine million pieces of clothing items back to operation in the third quarter of 2019, which timely met the hospitals’ increased demand for laundry services due to the outbreak of COVID-19.

We assisted the HA in replacing water pipes, steam pipelines and related equipment at the laundry. The replacement project only took six months to complete, followed by a series of commissioning tests. The old steam pipelines had aged so badly that leaks were found on some pipe sections which had to be replaced. As some of the old pipelines were installed above the new laundry equipment and due to the need to tie in with the removal and temporary storage of the asbestos in these pipelines, the replacement works faced immense difficulty and complexity. Finally, we overcame every challenge and completed the project on schedule, winning appreciation from the client. At the same time, we also installed new sensors for the steam boilers so as to monitor their emissions during operation.

Furthermore, we provided technical support for the procurement of laundry equipment, including participating in tender assessment and assisting in conducting acceptance tests for laundry equipment. We also carried out acceptance tests for the E&M systems, including electrical, fire services and ventilation equipment, etc., newly installed at the laundry by contractors of the HA, and offered professional advice on system maintenance services.