Bringing Experts Together to Share Anti-epidemic I&T Solutions

The EMSD has been working closely and collaborating with the academia and the trade to keep abreast of the latest trends of I&T. On 27 and 28 November 2020, the Biomedical Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) organised the Biomedical Engineering Conference BME 2020. As the co-organiser of the event, the EMSD played an active role in the preparation work including inviting speakers and formulating the conference agenda. To ensure smooth running of the event, the EMSD also provided technical support throughout the conference.

With the theme of “Fighting COVID-19 and Future Pandemics with Innovation & Technology”, the two-day conference was held via video conferencing, covering various major areas in I&T, such as artificial intelligence and robotics, development and management of medical devices, disinfection solutions and personal protection equipment, etc. Over 30 local and overseas experts shared their professional insights on the most cutting-edge research achievements and applications, including “Blockchain Immunity Passport”, “Wearable Device Supporting Smart Social Distancing”, “Development and Management of Medical Devices in Clinical Setting”, etc. Thanks to the enthusiastic participation of all stakeholders, the conference was a great success. Professor So Hau-yue, Richard and the Deputy Director/Regulatory Services of the EMSD, Mr. Poon Kwok-ying, Raymond, served as the Co-General Chairs of the conference. The event was also graced by the presence of Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr. Sit Wing-hang, Alfred, and President of the HKIE, Professor Yuen Pak-leung, both of whom delivered opening remarks at the conference. More than 300 participants attended the virtual event, which enabled cross-border participation, facilitated exchange of ideas among experts from around the world on the long-term anti-epidemic solutions, and promoted professional networking among trade practitioners.

The BME 2020 Programme Book is now available at Please visit the website for more information about anti-epidemic technologies.