"Witty Bear" Now on Social Media Platforms

It has been a while since my partner, Knowbot, and I, Witty Bear, came to Earth from Planet No. 3 to serve as the EMSD’s ambassadors. During our mission, we discovered that there were numerous E&M-related equipment on Earth, involving deep and extensive knowledge about E&M safety, energy saving and environmental protection and innovative technologies. Therefore, we decided to learn from the earthmen to set up our Facebook and Instagram pages to share with adults and children various E&M knowledge and tips in a simple and interesting way.

Now like and follow the “Witty Bear” pages to keep abreast of our latest news. Also share the pages with your family and friends, so that we could make more new friends! We will continue to look into every nook and cranny to explore E&M safety and energysaving knowledge and news to share with you. Come join us now!

Please visit the websites https://bit.ly/2ZErQug and https://bit.ly/2Y4ApOw, to follow the “Witty Bear” Facebook and Instagram pages (@emsdwittybear)!