Leveraging Smart Technology for Timely Detection and Troubleshooting in Building Management

In recent years, the EMSD has been committed to leveraging technology to improve service efficiency and accelerate the pace of smart city development. Take the integrated Building Management System (iBMS) as an example, after the installation of the iBMS in different government departments, the management of public facilities as well as the repair and maintenance efficiency have been remarkably enhanced with excellent results.

The EMSD detected abnormalities earlier in the outlet water temperature of the central air-conditioning system’s chiller of Kwun Chung Municipal Services Building (KCMSB) in real time through the iBMS and the Regional Digital Control Centre (RDCC). After learning about the situation, the EMSD team swiftly arrived at the site and discovered that there was a problem with the water supply pipes of the cooling tower system, which prevented the central air-conditioning system from operating properly. Racing against the clock, our team took the initiative to complete the emergency repair works outside office hours before the client discovered the issue, successfully ensuring that the operation of the vaccination centre and other related facilities in the building was not affected.

We have been using the iBMS to monitor the condition of venue facilities since 2020. Currently, the Municipal Sector (Kowloon) Sub-division is using this system in more than 30 venues under its purview and monitoring the operation of the electrical, mechanical, air-conditioning and building services systems in real time through the RDCC. In the past, if a facility broke down, the EMSD could only passively wait for notification from the client department, and only after our staff or contractors’ staff reported to us upon arrival at the site could we learn about the actual condition and answer clients’ inquiries. With the application of the system which monitors anomalies in the facilities in real time automatically, the EMSD management staff can now stay up to date with the status of the main facilities to identify the problem in a timely manner, promptly mobilise manpower for troubleshooting, as well as notifying and responding to customer inquiries efficiently.

The EMSD team will constantly enhance our service quality by making the best use of new technologies to improve the efficiency of resource deployment and maintenance, with a view to minimising the impact of breakdowns on our clients’ provision of public services.