How Do We Use Energy

Almost every aspect of our lives is associated with energy. Energy is one of the most fundamental components of our universe. Energy is the ability to do work. To human, its main function can be grouped into six main categories:

Energy is transformed into sugars via photosynthesis in plants

Energy produces Light

Light is energy that travels in waves. We can see things as light enters our eyes. It is also vital to plants as no photosynthesis may take place without light.

Energy produces heat

We use heat or thermal energy for daily heating and cooking. Heat is invisible but we can feel it. Our bodies dissipate heat and our stoves and lights do, too. The sun, is one of the major energy sources for heat energy.

Energy produces motion

Motion is a change in an object's position. Everything in motion requires energy to drive. Without energy (fuel), no car may run along the highway, even drifting clouds across the sky is not possible.

Energy produces sound

Energy appears as sound waves everywhere. All sounds are caused by vibrations - the back and forth motion of molecules. When a sound wave moves through air, the air molecules vibrate back and forth in the same direction as the sound. The vibrations push the air molecules close together, then pull them apart. It can travel through gases, liquids, and solids, and with different velocities. We hear sound through the air medium.

Energy produces growth

Every living thing is growing all the time. It takes energy to grow - chemical energy stored in simple sugars. To plants, energy is transformed into sugars via photosynthesis. Then the plants store it in their leaves, stems, fruits, and roots as chemical energy. When we eat the plants, or animals that eat plants, we absorb the chemical energy.

Energy powers technology

We use energy to do work. Energy powers machinery in factories and tractors on a farm, drive the train and cars, start up our computers and mobile phones to connect the world together, exchanging information and drive technology advancement everyday.