The dates of installation of lifts/escalators in Hong Kong span decades, with each lift/escalator equipping technology appropriate at the time of installation. Nevertheless, rapid technology advancement in recent years means that room for enhancement, with respect to safety, reliability and traveling comfort, exists for aged lifts/escalators. By virtue of various modernization solutions, the safety, reliability and traveling comfort levels of aged lifts/escalators can be brought to those of the prevailing standard.
Where major alteration/modernisation works are required to be carried out, RPs shall employ a registered lift/escalator contractor to carry out the works for their lift/escalator. Upon completion of major alteration/modernisation works, RPs shall arrange a registered lift/escalator engineer to examine the lift/escalator before resuming its normal use and operation.
RPs should consider factors such as spatial restrictions, technical feasibility and cost implications before deciding on whether to replace major components of existing lifts/escalators, or install new safety equipment according to EMSD's guidelines. RPs could also consider total replacement of existing lifts/escalators to bring the lifts/escalators up to the prevalent safety standard.
- The CLP and the HK Electric have launched funding schemes for energy-saving improvement projects of various types of buildings. If the lift modernisation or replacement proposal of a building involves energy-saving elements, the building owner may apply for the subsidies.