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Record of listed models

Refrigerating Appliances

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For a summary of the brands of listed models, please refer to Summary of the brands of listed models.

For details of listed models under grading standard before 25 November 2015, please refer to Details of listed models under old grading standard.

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For details of listed models under current grading standard, please see below.
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ASKORFN31842IU1-R21005620212521616634.091Toptech Co. Limited
BacchusBA47U1-R2300152023874634.031A&P Electronic Trading
BacchusBA89DU1-R2300162023115582329.811A&P Electronic Trading
BauknechtKGIN 3183 A++U1-R13001720142371976131.401Whirlpool (HK) Ltd.
BauknechtKVIE 2127 A+++ HKU1-R19010220191181731825.221Whirlpool (HK) Ltd.
BauknechtURI145U1-R1501592014124981630.551Whirlpool (HK) Ltd.
BaumaticB300GRU1-R220020202229518411533.971Baumatic Asia Limited
BaumaticBRCIF7636U1-R19010620192161875629.581Baumatic Asia Limited
BNORF-B47U1-R1601162014824732.231HONG FU TRADING LTD
BNORF-B89U1-R1601172014121562331.581HONG FU TRADING LTD
BoschKGN27NBEAGU1-R23006620232491718332.021BSH Home Appliances Ltd.
BoschKGN362BDFKU1-R230022202317321810319.901BSH Home Appliances Ltd.
BoschKGN36IJ3CKU1-R20004120202502398929.121BSH Home Appliances Ltd.
BoschKIL42AFF0KU1-R20006320201591781534.061BSH Home Appliances Ltd.
BoschKIN86AF31KU1-R17008420142121876927.931BSH Home Appliances Ltd.
BoschKUL15AFF0GU1-R20012120201181071528.751BSH Home Appliances Ltd.
BoschKUR21ADE0CU1-R24004320247513427.071BSH Home Appliances Ltd.
CandyCMDN 5172XU1-R20010420202152005329.161Westwing Appliances Ltd.
CimatechCBR4123N2MU1-R21005020211581651425.791Toptech Co. Limited
CINETRONCR-88S2U1-R1800992018124572432.181Alpha Appliances Ltd.
CRISTALBS240MW-1U1-R22007920221891701730.221Great Treasure
CRISTALBS325EWU1-R24002720242511776433.711Great Treasure
CRISTALBV160EW-2U1-R2200802022126961723.031Great Treasure
CRISTALBV160EW-3U1-R2400282024128951631.831Great Treasure
CRISTALV252MWU1-R16016820142221995529.891Great Treasure
De DietrichDRF1312JU1-R14012820141321042131.391GILMAN HOME APPLIANCES
De DietrichDRP1905JEU1-R19005620192381796931.671GILMAN HOME APPLIANCES
De DietrichDRP1906JEU1-R21008520212601757034.701GILMAN HOME APPLIANCES
De DietrichDRP1928JEU1-R19010020192371936930.841GILMAN HOME APPLIANCES
De DietrichDRS2022JU1-R20013420201331681528.951GILMAN HOME APPLIANCES
De DietrichDRS604MU1U1-R2100192021135931633.591GILMAN HOME APPLIANCES
DometicDS 450U1-R1800262014754529.271Dometic Hong Kong
DometicDS 470U1-R1701142014754529.271Dometic Hong Kong
DometicDX 920U1-R1701152014115582329.811Dometic Hong Kong
ElectroluxEBB3402K-AU1-R22001620222672258332.131Dah Chong Hong, Ltd.
ElectroluxEBB3742K-AU1-R23004720232452498428.421Dah Chong Hong, Ltd.
ElectroluxEME2800H-AU1-R20002420202381896231.401Dah Chong Hong, Ltd.
ElectroluxEME2802H-AU1-R20002520202381896231.401Dah Chong Hong, Ltd.
ElectroluxEME3700HU1-R18006520182652577530.961Dah Chong Hong, Ltd.
ElectroluxENN2859AOWU1-R19011920192301886130.851Dah Chong Hong, Ltd.
ElectroluxERY1201FOWU1-R13000920141381001633.961Dah Chong Hong, Ltd.
ElectroluxESE5401A-SHKU1-R210055202135430818830.741Dah Chong Hong, Ltd.
ElectroluxETB2802HU1-R18006620182241946130.021Dah Chong Hong, Ltd.
ElectroluxETB2802J-AU1-R22001420222531966233.581Dah Chong Hong, Ltd.
ElectroluxETB3400HU1-R18006720182372417528.601Dah Chong Hong, Ltd.
ElectroluxETB3400K-AU1-R22001520222792627232.991Dah Chong Hong, Ltd.
Fisher & PaykelRF402BLPX7U1-R22004420222922739032.501KELVIN ELECTRIC
Fisher & PaykelRF402BLXFD5U1-R22004120222922739032.501KELVIN ELECTRIC
Fisher & PaykelRF402BRPW7U1-R22004320222922739032.501KELVIN ELECTRIC
Fisher & PaykelRF402BRPX7U1-R22004520222922739032.501KELVIN ELECTRIC
Total 828 records of listed model(s) found
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next Last


The record of listed models is kept by the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services (the Director) under Section 14 of the Energy Efficiency (Labelling of Products) Ordinance Cap. 598. It contains all product models which have been assigned with reference numbers by the Director that are still valid. The information contained in the product record is those submitted by the Information Provider.

EMSD makes no representations, warranties or endorsements whatsoever about the suitability of proprietary products and related services for individual uses / applications, safety of products, fitness for purposes, merchantable quality, etc. The record of listed models should be read in conjunction with the Disclaimer at EMSD Homepage.

The record of listed models is updated on a weekly basis. For latest information, please contact us.

For models whose reference numbers have been removed from the record of listed models, please refer to Models with Reference Numbers Removed.

For models which are not supplied in the market or their availability is not updated by Information Provider, please refer to Products not being Supplied.

For contact details of suppliers with listed models, please refer to Contact Details of Suppliers with Listed Models.

(*) The "Year" means the year in which the reference number is assigned or, where the energy efficiency grading is calculated in accordance with the new calculation method under section 12 of the Energy Efficiency (Labelling of Products) Ordinance, the year in which the new calculation method takes effect.