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Editor's Note

Thank you for the many positive responses we received for our first issue of Voicelink, we hope you will enjoy the second issue just as much. Reflecting the tremendous interest in environmental concerns, this issue focuses on how we are dealing with these concerns and how new developments are also affecting our own activities and services. More importantly, we wanted to reflect how these new activities and services would benefit and relate to you, our customers. If you have any thoughts and suggestions on the subject, we would be very interested to hear from you.

As a communications link between EMSD and our customers, we would also be very pleased to hear from you with your news and views and if there are any topics you would like to see covered in the next issue of Voicelink. Please also let us know if you have any colleagues who would like to receive their own individual copy of the newsletter or who would find Voicelink useful.


EMSD's customer communications link
Published by: Customer Support Unit
  Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
  98 Caroline Hill Road, Hong Kong

Tel : 2915 6955 Fax : 2882 1574
E-mail : emsdcsu@emsd.gov.hk
Editor in Chief : Mr. Lai Lin-shing
Editor : Mr. Patrick Chan

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